
General Information

Full Name Hüseyin Orkun Elmas
Date of Birth 16th March 1997
Languages English, Turkish

Experience and Education

  • 2023 - Present
    PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience
    Radboud University, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Netherlands
    • Investigating the neurocomputational mechanisms underlying tactile localization in external space.
  • 2020 - 2023
    M.S. in Neuroscience
    Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
    • Effects of Prior Information on Biological Motion Perception
      • Designed and implemented an EEG experiment. Collected EEG data from over 30 participants and trained interns on EEG and behavioral data collection.
      • Analyzed EEG data using univariate and multivariate techniques such as temporal decoding and temporal generalization with MNE-Python.
    • Temporal Characteristics of Agent Perception
      • Explored the interaction of prior and visual information on the temporal dimension of agent perception using RSA and multiple linear regression on EEG data.
  • 2015 - 2020
    B.S. in Computer Science
    Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey

Peer Reviewed Conference Presentations

  • Hüseyin O. Elmas, Berfin Aydın, Sena Er, Ada D. Rezaki, Aysesu Izgi, Buse M. Urgen, Huseyin Boyaci, Burcu A. Urgen. The effect of prior knowledge on biological motion perception. V-VSS, 2022. (Accepted to the VSS, could not attend in person due to visa issues.)
  • Hüseyin O. Elmas, Sena Er, Ayse P. Saygin, Burcu A. Urgen. Temporal characteristics of visual processing of agents in action observation. ECVP 2021.
  • Sena Er, Hüseyin O. Elmas, Ayse P. Saygin, Burcu A. Urgen. The effect of prior knowledge on visual processing of agents: Time-resolved representational similarity analysis on EEG data. SfN Global Connectome, 2020.
  • Hüseyin O. Elmas, Sena Er, Ayse P. Saygin, Burcu A. Urgen. Temporal characteristics of visual processing of actions: Time-resolved RSA on EEG data. 7th International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science, 2020.

Workshops / Seminar Presentations

  • 'Advanced EEG analysis techniques: Representational Similarity Analysis', lecture as final part of the Usage of EEG in Cognitive Neuroscience Research: Basic and Advanced Analysis Techniques workshop presented by Burcu A. Urgen, Berfin Aydin, Hilal Nizamoglu, Sena Er, Hüseyin O. Elmas
  • Classification of agents from EEG in action perception presented by Hüseyin O. Elmas, Sena Er, Doren Calliku. Cognitive Psychology and Science Meeting at TED University

Awards and Scholarships

  • Animal Models of Neurodegenerative Diseases EGE BINGSS Graduate Summer School.
  • Domestic Graduate Student Scholarship Award by TUBITAK.
  • Graduation with High-Honor Student Award from Bilkent University.


  • Academic Writing, Training undergraduate research assistants in EEG and behavioral data collection.
  • Neuroimaging Analysis: Intracerebral recordings, scalp EEG data analysis, RSA, MVPA
  • Programming: Python, Matlab, R, C++, Java
  • Software: MNE-Python, Git, EEGLAB, Keras, ERPLAB, Psychtoolbox, Tensorflow.